Hasta La Vista

Posted Wednesday 12th April 2017 15:16

As of 11/04/2017, Microsoft has ceased ongoing updates for Windows Vista Extended Support.


We recommend that all Windows Vista users no longer connect their computers to the internet. Without Microsoft's support, you will no longer receive security updates that can help protect your PC from harmful viruses, spyware and other malicious software that can steal your personal information.

For customers still running Windows Vista, we highly recommend to either upgrade or replace the computer as soon as possible. In most cases (not all) the machine would likely be fairly old if still running Windows Vista, as you would have likely received the machine with Vista pre-installed. If you wish to upgrade Windows Vista to a later operating system there are two important things to note, first of which you will need to obtain a license for Windows 7 or 10 of which there is a cost, secondly, being an older machine there is a high possibility it may not run very well on the older hardware.

In most cases the best option will be to replace your existing machine with a reconditioned one running Windows 10, our reconditioned PC’s are available from £199 inc VAT and our reconditioned laptops start from £225 inc VAT. Both of which come with Windows 10 Professional; of course we can transfer the data from the old machine for you in store.


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