Ahead4 Swim for Charity

Posted Tuesday 08th March 2016 14:26


With only 5 days before the South Woodham Ferrers Rotary's Swimarathon, you may ask why we have left it so late to ask for sponsorship; up until now the Rotary club have only now taken sponsorship via the original paperwork forms. However, we have been working with the Rotary and have paid all the Virgin Start-up Costs so we can offer the ability to take online payments for this event. Now that the Rotary can use this online system for all of their future events and swimming teams, this means we have now only 1 week to raise our initial target of £500, we appreciate any donation no matter how small the contribution.

Ahead4 has finally made a Team of 6 People, unfortunately out of 15 Staff you would be surprised to find that only a handful can actually Swim (and are extremely bad at it), so we have called on a few company friends to equal out the nerd ratio up a little bit! Now it may not sound a lot being able to swim up and down for an hour between 6 people, but our Boss Richard attempted a Demo Swim last week struggled to do 4 minutes and is probably the healthiest person in the company. As this money goes to a great cause supporting MacMillan Nurses and Rotary Charities, please accept our many thanks for all of your kind donations.

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