Ahead4 Goes Solar

Posted Wednesday 08th May 2019 13:16


Ahead4 is getting greener. 

We realise that as an IT company, we use a large amount of electricity. We found that at some points in the day we use in excess of 20kWh and have worked with a local Solar firm to install a whopping 32 panels, you can see live stats with the link below.




We have, of course, already changed from traditional halogen light bulbs to LEDs throughout the entire shop. We are also looking into obtaining an electric van for our local runs in South Woodham to reduce our impact further. In the near future we shall be looking into our plastic waste, if anyone has any other ideas they are always welcome; we also recommend other businesses look into Solar panels as every little helps. 

All we need now is the sun. 


Thank you Smiley Face

Ahead4 Ltd

Ahead4 New Office

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